Obi x Vanessa
Sumatran Short Tail Python
Python curtus

Now Available!
ID# V24-01 to V24-22
Hatched: August 6, 2024
Sire: Obi (Quickdraw line)
Dam: Vanessa (Quickdraw line)
This pairing came about as I try to figure out what's going on with the 'colorless' chromes (not the same as light chrome). In 2022, Obi sired a clutch with Lavinia and out came several chromes that had no yellow from the get go and never gained brown as they aged. Chromes typically start out with tons of yellow, tans and browns. (will post photos of older holdbacks at the bottom of this page SOON).
This year Obi got a date with Vanessa (sister to Lavinia) and out come six more colorless chromes. Vanessa and Livinia did not produce colorless chromes with other males, only with Obi. I hope in the coming years we can have some answer as to what is going on here. I am not currently releasing any of the colorless hatchlings but here is your chance to get some siblings. I highly suspect a lot of these will go light chrome, as Obi and both females have produced lights with every previous clutch.
$300 plus shipping each
Eating: Live small mice
All photos with ID#'s are available.
To inquire email Randilyn at info@BioBoutiqueKC.com

Obi photo coming soon. He is phenotype classic chrome.